Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Expect Success and You Will Get It

You know your beliefs are important for your success, so let's talk about creating the belief of expecting success. If you are overwhelmed by life right now, or you feel bored and tired, there is so much more that you can create for yourself.

Yes, you are in charge and you will need to create the success you dream of having, but it is not as difficult as you may think right now. You are blocking your success in some way, because you are destined to have success. You deserve to have the success in love and life that every human being deserves.

The secret ingredient to success is learning how to love yourself. When you do not love yourself, you do not value your needs, and make commitments to yourself to take care of your needs.

Here's a summary of your needs. You have physical needs. You have safety and security needs. You have belonging and acceptance needs. You have self esteem needs. And you have self-actualization needs.
Abraham Maslow created this list of needs, and he calls it the Hierarchy of Needs. It is so important for you to understand that meeting all of your needs is not a luxury for some people, but rather necessary for everyone if you want to have success. You can get one of the best explanations of the Hierarchy of Needs in my ebook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself."

When you love yourself, you will expect success, because you will be connected to your real self. Your real self wants to feel happy, fulfilled, and content with life. Only successful people feel happy, fulfilled and content with life.

So please learn how to expect success by learning how to love yourself and start now. For more information, please go to my website:

With love and blessings,
Sandra Dawson, MA
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert

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