Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Road to Success is Paved with Great Time Management Skills

The road to success is paved with great time management skills, because you can so easily stop moving in the right direction without some inner discipline.

Success in life depends upon setting specific goals, having a vision of your success, and breaking down your goals into action steps that you commit to taking.

So yes, success in life requires planning and working on your plan. What do you think is blocking you from planning and working on your plan? Your road to success is truly your plan, and you must be on the road each day. You need to have daily, weekly, or monthly goals in addition to yearly goals.

You need to work on one task at a time, and not let yourself get distracted from the success in life you will achieve by staying focused. I know staying focused can be a huge problem for many people. If staying focused is a problem for you, I think your nervous system is over activated. I would like you to learn more about trauma if this is true and you can go to my website for more information about trauma healing at:
Just sign up for my Free eNewsletter and then click on "Trauma Healing Will Help You Love Yourself."

Another time management skill to develop is saying no when an interruption or request is made of you that doesn't fit in with your plan.
You do not have to get angry when you say no. Just politely let the person know you do not have time now to respond, and get back on your road to success.

It is also very helpful to keep your vision of success in front of you. Let yourself imagine what your life will look like, feel like and sound like when you achieve the success in life you are dreaming of having. You could create a dream board with pictures of your life when you follow the road to success you have mapped out for yourself.

A happy, healthy and fulfilling life is all about success. What is blocking you from using these excellent time management skills on your road to success? Please make a commitment to yourself to remove any blocks you are aware of. If you don't know what is blocking you, I can help you figure it out. I am an expert problem solver and I had to remove many blocks from achieving success in my life that may be similar to yours.

Join my mailing list and get my Free weekly eNewsletter, "Love Yourself Now", and the 1st chapter of my eBook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself" also for Free when you sign up. Here's the link:

With Love and Blessings,
Sandra Dawson, MA
Your Success Coach
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert
Institute for Self Love
631 228 4361

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