Saturday, June 20, 2009

How to Make Money Doing What You Love to Do

When you truly love yourself, you make decisions about your work life based on your passion. Your passion is another word for what you love to do. The secret to success is doing what you love to do. You will spend about half of your life working, so please take some time now to choose to do what you love to do. When you do what you love to do, every day is full of joy and fulfillment. You experience much less stress and you feel happy and energized.

Success is life is truly a result of doing what you love to do, so take some time now to do the following exercise that I am suggesting for you to do.

Imagine for a moment if you had all the money you need, and you didn't have to work at all. What would you do with your time every day? Would you continue to work at the same job you have now? Would you want to work for a different boss or company? Would you want to change your career entirely? Would you want to go back to school and develop skills in an area you have always been interested in, but never pursued? Would you want to spend your days engaging in your favorite hobbies and interests? What would you want to do?

The road to success will take hard work, focus, and problem solving. All of these efforts are easier to do when you are doing what you love to do.

Do you know right now what you would love to do? If not, here is a simple exercise you can do to help you to start identifying your passions. Recall your childhood and write down all the things that you loved to do, including the ones you were not able to do for whatever reason. Also recall all the compliments you have received from your childhood all the way up to, today. And finally, recall all awards and activities you excelled in. You will learn what your passions are from doing these exercises, and you will ensure your success in life as well.

I want to help you to awaken your successful self, so you too can be successful and meet your safety and security needs, which means you are making more than enough money to live a comfortable life.

When you are taking care of your safety and security needs doing something you love to do, you are loving yourself, and you will feel so good when you finally choose to take care of yourself in this very healthy way. Each step you take on your road to success will support your needs and create a comfortable life for you.

In addition, you will dramatically reduce stress in your life. You willl make friends with similar passions. You will feel like you belong. You will wake up refeshed and excited every day to tackle your to-do list. You will feel happy and content. And the work you'll need to do, to have success in life, is worth every bit of effort you decide to put into it.

Please let me help you to discover your purpose and awaken your successful self. Doing what you love to do isn't a luxury for some people. It is a need for everyone. You were born to live on purpose, not to struggle every day at a job you hate or feel bored doing.

You can get more information about discovering your life's purpose by clicking here:

You can manifest your passion working for the right company, or you can start your own business. You get to decide what makes the most sense for you. I can help you make that decision if you are feeling confused. If you are stuck in childhood programming that isn't even letting you identify your passions, I can help you identify what you truly love to do.

It's time to awaken your successful self so you can realize your dreams and live and love happily every after. The first step I would recommend that you take, is to join my mailing list and receive my free eNewsletter, "Love Yourself Now", my free Special Report, "Why You Need to Like and Love Yourself", and the first chapter of my eBook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself." Give yourself the gift of self-love and discover your life's purpose starting now for free. Start loving yourself 100% by clicking here:

With love and blessings,

Sandra Dawson, MA
Institute for Self-Love
Love and Relationship Coach
America's Most Loving Relationship & Trauma Expert
631 228 4361

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