Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Keys to Success For Your Personal Development"

You're on the road to success, because you are searching for the answers to what is blocking you. Congratulations! I want to help you with my Keys to Success for Your Personal Development.

I know from my personal and professional experience that the biggest block to success in life is a lack of self love. Were you taught that it is selfish to love yourself? If so, you have alot of company, because past parenting practices have taught millions of human beings that loving yourself is selfish. It is not true, and you can undo your past programming and get on the road to success faster, by accepting the truth of this idea.

Happiness and success in life depend upon your ability to love yourself. Loving yourself means you know how to be self-nurturing and you are able to soothe yourself, so you can truly live and love happily ever after. You need to have some skills to transform your life, so here are my 8 Keys to Success for Your Personal Development.

These keys to success will help to keep you on track and to ensure your success.

1. Do Something Every Day

Congratulations! If you are reading this article, you have already started to do something for your personal development. I would highly recommend that you make a commitment to do something every day. If you are not sure what to do, please get my eBook and learn my 15 steps to fall madly in love with yourself. You will be able to identify something you can do every day that will ensure your success. Click here for information about my eBook that is fast becoming a best-seller:

2. Write In a Journal

This is a great way to keep track of your personal development. Write down what you want to achieve. Write down how you are feeling, and why you think you are feeling that way. Look for patterns. This will help you to continually identify personal development goals for yourself, and it will help you to acess what you are thinking and feeling in your unconscious.
Keep your journal close by and make new entries and read past entries on a regular basis.

If you would like a system to follow to help you keep your journal, you can join my mailing list and get the 1st Chapter of my ebook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself," for free and my Free weekly eNewsletter,
"Love Yourself Now" by clicking here:

3. Learn From Other People

Become an observer of other people. Allow yourself to benefit from their successes and their mistakes. Other people have a great deal to teach you. Because I have made so many mistakes, I had a lot to learn about how to love myself. I am a great model of self-love now, and I will continue to share my story with you. You can join my mailing list, and get my Free weekly eNewsletter, "Love Yourself Now", by clicking here:

4. Focus On Your Feelings

Recent research has shown that your ability to perceive, identify and manage your emotions is the basis of social and emotional capabilities that are predictive of success in love and life. If you truly want to succeed, you will need to develop your ability to know and understand your emotions. Knowing what you are feeling and using your feelings to guide your life are critical abilities to develop in order to ensure your success.

5. Imagine You Have Made a Decision

Whenever you have to make an important decision, and you aren't sure if it's the right one, imagine you have already made your decision. Then pay attention to how you feel. What are you feeling? See why feelings are crucial. You cannot judge your life accurately if you are not in touch with your feelings. The road to success is paved by the direction you take and the direction you take is dependent upon how your feelings are guiding you.

6. Think About Your Thoughts

Thinking about your thoughts is a way to help you manage your feelings. If someone cuts you off on the freeway and you think, "They have no right to cut me off," you are very likely to feel angry and out of control. If, instead, you think "people do stupid, impulsive things," you are more likely to take whatever action you need to, and to remain calm. Thinking about your thoughts in different situations can help you to make changes.

In fact, all change starts with awareness. If you over react in situations like this, you need to learn how to self-soothe. Success in life requires you to learn this skill, and it is a big part of learning how to love yourself.

7. Accept Some Weaknesses on Your Road to Success

All human beings have some weaknesses. We can be happy and have a balanced life without being great at everything. Focus on your strengths, and accept your weaknesses as part of being a human being. When you fall madly in love with yourself, you know what your strengths are, and it makes it much easier to accept your weaknesses. No human being is perfect, and no human being has to be. Give yourself a break, and learn how to fall madly in love with yourself.

8. Keep Growing

This may be a surprise to you, but on the road to success, there's no end to personal development. You can go on learning and changing for your whole life. If you give yourself the gift of learning and growing your whole life, you will be amazed at how happy and healthy you will remain, and what a beautiful legacy of success you will leave.

I am honored to be helping you on your road to success and I wish you much love.

Sandra Dawson, MA
Love and Relationship Coach
Institute for Self Love
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert
631 228 4361
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